3gktbTl6KN4, Vlog: Hearing Loss, Tinnitus, Coping Strategies and a (temporary) Cure for Ringing Ears, Hey all! So, this is the first vlog I’ve done for this channel.
I really wanted to share my experiences with you guys, some ways you can protect your hearing and how to deal with hearing damage.
The temporary solution for Tinnitus is at 8:40.
Generic ear plugs: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00NSLNJQ0?psc=1
ACS ER20s: https://www.amazon.co.uk/ACS-Elacin-na-Musicians-Earplugs-White/dp/B000UJ8RHE
Minerva: http://minervahearing.co.uk/,