gTlYf3AbqnU, Decorate my Hearing Aids w/me!!!, ,
Hearing Loss: Testing and Hearing Aids : Hearing Test Demonstration
D9m2LImsgmQ, Hearing Loss: Testing and Hearing Aids : Hearing Test Demonstration, A thorough hearing assessment includes an evaluation of each one of the three parts of the ear. Learn about hearing loss, hearing tests and hearing aids from a professional audiologist in this free health video.
Expert: M.J. DeSousa
Bio: M.J. DeSousa is Chief Audiologist and one of the founders of ListenUP! and is responsible for staffing and clinical practices, including all Audiology.
Filmmaker: Kevin Fletcher,
Audiology, Hearing Aids, and Digital Programs
UgUfhwH4Egk, Audiology, Hearing Aids, and Digital Programs,,
Wearing hearing aids in school
UqOBOFEvaE4, Wearing hearing aids in school, Hello everybody! This video shows you what its like to wear hearing aids in school and how my radio aid works. My classmates also discuss what it’s like having a friend with hearing loss! Thank you to everyone who helped me make this video. Don’t forget to check out my instagram page hear_comes_skye,
William Shatner speaks about his tinnitus
E7bL9BhESYA, William Shatner speaks about his tinnitus, Mr. Shatner speaks about his tinnitus and the work that the American Tinnitus Association is doing to reverse the condition for 50 million Americans. Please visit for more information
2006-2013 © by The American Tinnitus Association,
Do you know someone with hearing loss? | Specsavers
kSgoUNva3eI, Do you know someone with hearing loss? | Specsavers, Hearing loss shouldn’t mean that you miss out on the things that matter to you most. To learn more about spotting hearing loss in a friend or relative, visit,
Will hearing aids restore my natural hearing? | Specsavers
Md0mOBGF3Iw, Will hearing aids restore my natural hearing? | Specsavers, Audiologist Anum Saleemi explains how hearing aids can improve your hearing when you are wearing them.,
How was your experience with Specsavers hearing aids? | Specsavers
UTBZnpyssKo, How was your experience with Specsavers hearing aids? | Specsavers, A change in hearing is a normal part of life, so you’re not alone. Just one simple test can make all the difference. What’s more, we’re here to help whenever you need us. Book yours today at,
Hearing Loss – Still Untitled: The Adam Savage Project – 3/11/2014
5nN1PekyYZ4, Hearing Loss – Still Untitled: The Adam Savage Project – 3/11/2014, By popular request, we’ve fixed up the closed captions on this video so they reflect things that actual human beings said during the show, instead of gibberish. You can enable them by clicking “cc” in the player.
On a very special episode of Still Untitled, Adam, Will, and Norm discuss hearing loss, Adam’s recent ear surgery, and why you should probably get your hearing checked. Enjoy!,
¿Qué es el tinnitus y por qué se produce?
ull4bF5mkLo, ¿Qué es el tinnitus y por qué se produce?, Algunas personas sentimos un ruido molesto en los oídos mientras desarrollamos nuestra vida diaria. Este zumbido se denomina médicamente como Tinnitus: fenómeno perceptivo por el que sentimos golpes o sonidos sin procedencia externa. Aprendamos más sobre el tinnitus, los factores que lo producen, sus síntomas y la forma de erradicarlo.,